This allows different users to be able to access the storage platform from any device they may be using.ġ1. Web and mobile version: Dropbox also offers various users serious flexibility in that it comes with a mobile version and a web version of the same. Downloads and uploads: In addition to uploading files on the storage platform, it is also possible for anyone to download those files at any given time.ġ0. This gives the user some level of flexibility that is not available in other storage platforms.ĩ. Deleted file recovery: Once a user deletes a file from the storage facility, they may be able to recover the file at a later date. This makes it easy for the user to edit documents on the Go.Ĩ.
Edits documents online: Unlike other storage platforms, Dropbox also allows users to access their documents online from wherever they are and then edit those files in any environment. This means that users can easily choose what files they want to sync and which ones do not require syncing.ħ. Selective syncing: Dropbox also makes it possible for users to sync their files selectively. File versioning: Besides sharing files, it is also easy to create multiple versions of the same file to allow the file to be viewed in different environments.Ħ. File sharing: In addition to that storing files, dropbox also has the capability of sharing files between different users.ĥ. File syncing: Dropbox has made it easy for the users to be able to sync their files across multiple platforms, which also allows them to be able to access the files from wherever they are.Ĥ. 16GB Free storage: In addition to Dropbox giving you the capability of storing your files online, it also gives you an additional 16GB of free storage space to add to what you already have.ģ. Below are some of the pros and cons of dropbox.ġ. Easy interface: Dropbox has a relatively easy interface that not only makes it easy for the user but also makes it smooth for any new user who might want to use it for the very first time.Ģ. While some people’s lives have been made easier with this magnificent software, others may have reservations in equal measure. Since the introduction of dropbox, many people have now found it a little easier to share the file in a much more convenient way.